Ernst Barkmann SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 Das Reich Reprint Photo With

Ernst Barkmann SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 Das Reich Reprint Photo With

Ernst Barkmann SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 Das Reich Reprint Photo With Signature


Postwar Signature of Ernst Barkmann. Barkmann earned the Ritterkreuz (Knight’s Cross) with the 4. Kompanie/ SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 “Das Reichâ€. “The 2. SS-Panzer-Division “Das Reich†is reporting the names of 5 outstanding troop leaders and NCOs who have particularly distinguished themselves during the breakthrough from the Notre Dame area into the area south of Percy:


1.) SS-Unterscharführer Barkmann of the 4./SS-Pz.Rgt. 2. On the 27.07.1944 he was kept back with his Panther in order to protect 2 disabled vehicles. On the night of the 28./29.07.1944 he became totally separated from his comrades during the wide-ranging retreat of the Division. He blew up one Panzer and moved out while towing the other one. At times he crossed over the American march routes, and at other times he drove in direct proximity to them at night. In the end he destroyed 14 enemy tanks and reached friendly lines on the 30.07.1944.â€


The photo meassures 10.5 x 14.5cm and is post war signed to the front by Ernst Barkmann.


Very nice photo with original signature!!


Ernst Barkmann SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 Das Reich Reprint Photo With

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