Reprint Photo with Original Signature, Knights Cross Holder Frie

Reprint Photo with Original Signature, Knights Cross Holder Frie

Reprint Photo with Original Signature, Knights Cross Holder Friedrich-Wilhelm Breidenbach


Reprint photo with original signature to the reverse, the photo meassures 9cm x 6.5cm.


"On the 24.08.1944 the Panzerverband Graf Strachwitz attacked the Soviet flank and rear from the area south of Elwa, and after hard combat it captured the village of Tamsa. Later, on the 27.08.1944, the same group repulsed the Soviet forces attacking Dorpat from the East and threw them back 2 km east of the city. The achievements of this group guaranteed the integrity of the German frontline between Dorpat-Walk and Schwaneburg. This success would not have been possible without the significant efforts by Major Breidenbach and his Brigade, and for his achievements here Breidenbach would be awarded the Knight’s Cross."


Nice photo with original signature!!



Reprint Photo with Original Signature, Knights Cross Holder Frie

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