WWII Proclamation "Blut Ist Leben!" Poster Böhmen Mähren

WWII Proclamation &quotBlut Ist Leben!" Poster Böhmen Mähren

WWII Proclamation "Blut Ist Leben!" Poster Böhmen Mähren


Large period poster from Böhmen / Mähren protectoriat. The poster urges people to donate blood with the parole "Blood is life!". The poster meassures 84cm x 60cm. Printed by the German "Gesundheits Anstalt des protectorat Böhmen / Mähren". Stamped several times to the reverse, see Pictures!The poster is in very good condition.


Hard to find and would make a great display!!


WWII Proclamation "Blut Ist Leben!" Poster Böhmen Mähren