U.S WWII Grouping To Paul. W. Fuhrman Serving In Amphibious Unit

U.S WWII Grouping To Paul. W. Fuhrman Serving In Amphibious Unit

U.S WWII Grouping To Paul. W. Fuhrman Serving In Amphibious Unit 


This large U.S WWII grouping to Paul. W. Fuhrman concists of following items:


* Fuhrman's WWII "Ike" field jacket. Single breasted, fully-lined olive drab wool waist-length tunic. Four button French fly front closure. To each upper collar point is a brass collar dog for "U.S." and Infantry. To the upper sleeves is the insignias for 9th Army Group, Amphibious Unit. Other insignia to the arms includes rank chevrons for Technician 3rd Grade and three over seas bars representing 1.5 years.


Above the right breast pocket is a "ruptured duck" for Honourable discharge, while a three place medal bar which includes: bronze star medal, Victory medal and Asia, Pacific bar. Under the ribbon bar is an markmanship Award. On the left breast pocket is sewn a Engineer Amphibious Command badge.The interior shows a white oil tag that is sewn to the interior of the right breast pocket that also shows the size as "36R", manufacture name and a date of 1944. Included is a pair of matching trousers. 


* The tunic comes with: service cap made of cloth, long legged underwairs, short legged underwairs and a pair of tropical long legged trousers made of cloth. The trousers is also named to P. Fuhrman.


* Included in the grouping is ALOT of extras, such as personal kit items, one very interesting pictured from a man, probably Fuhrman infront of an amphibious veichle. A bunch of period news papers, personal letters and documents from the estate of Fuhrman. See Pictures!!



Large Named and complete grouping to a man who participated in the hard fought battles in New Guinea, Luzon while serving in an amphious unit!!


U.S WWII Grouping To Paul. W. Fuhrman Serving In Amphibious Unit

1 x US WWII War Loan Poster